christmas~we arrive ardee~where our Cs host live~
when i sent the request, cuz i m asian, so, some of people might expect that you can cook~~
and i will say YES! i mean, i can, but i cant promise anything anyway~~
so, i got the accepted!!! and he told me he will prepare turkey~if i need anythingelse~
and i just~WHAT? A TURKEY????~A WHAT???
Raquel~~~~i dont really know how to deal with turkey lalalalalal~~~~
我們也就欣然接受了~熱湯啊~熱茶啊~吐司啊(啊 就都現成的啊)
但是時間差不多的時候~Paul居然還是問我~我要開始煮飯了嗎? 需要幫我準備什麻? 火雞已經在外面退冰了~~~
我只能說~當然不能讓你看到"Peyton 的祕方"這樣!!!
於是我就進廚房亂弄一通~然後 就放進去烤了~Paul還問我說~這樣就可以了? 那要烤多久?
阿娘威~我哪知道烤多久~不就烤熟嗎? 啊不然咧?
還好~肉居然夠軟!!! 但我也不知道為何~可能~這是比較好的火雞吧吧吧吧!!! 哈哈哈哈
but, i mean, Raquel cant cook~so i cant counting on her~
and when we arrive~we are just so misreable~and paul was so nice try to put the heat on let us can dry~
and make so fast soup, tea for us~
i thought~he might cook for us cuz this~
but~NO~he ask me when i looks better if i gonna start makeing dinner..."._.
so, i just say~OK i gonna start now, and dont worry, i dont need help~
cuz this is "peyton secrect"~~~i dont even know what that about~~LOL
and i just went into kitchen and do something with that turkey and put in the oven~
Paul ask me, how long it gonna take???
i just think~~ha ha ha, how i can know how long, just bake till it ready then!!!
when dinner time~~~~woohoo~~
it is so successed, the meat is so soft!!! dont ask me why,I HAVE NO IDEA TOOOOOOO!!!
paul's place is like musume~cuz it was bnb, but he stop, and changeing just hosting ppl run as cs~
we feel so luck what a awesome place we found!!!
後記: 記的我們從我們的便車主得到的第一個聖誕禮物~~雨傘嗎?
我問他說~雨傘現在在哪? 有拍照嗎? 他告訴我~早丟在不知道哪了!
我問為何~因為我完全忘了啊! !
然後我才想起來~哈哈哈哈~ 所以~我們的聖誕禮物~就被我們丟棄了~還被我遺忘了~哈哈哈哈
PS: remember the gift we got from the person give us lift? that umberalla~
actually, i totally forget, Raquel remind me when i type this,
i ask if we took picture with it, she say, NO. we throw away on the road!
i ask: why? she said, the mouse bite...
i just~~AHHHHHHH, yep, i recall it now!!!
and then i also remember, the day we leaving~we have breakfast~
i have some ceareal~when i pull it out, have some small black things...
i thought is chocolate~but looks not really like~
and i found out it is looks like mouse pooooooooooooo~~~
thanks god, i m not that hungry~i didnt eat that when i first saw~
otherwise.......i m eating shiiiiiiiit!!!!!