2018 5月

認識我的人應該都知道我排韓! 一開始我看到這個女生的請求! 


但在仔細研究一下! 發現我錯了~他是土生土長的韓國人啊!!!

猶豫了一陣子! 加上他的請求信寫的超級長! 

仔細看了內容決定! 賀吧! 收他!


要嘛~就是這樣啊! 最壞 也就那樣而已!

my friend will knew that i dont like korea. so when i saw her request.

i was hestatied. but after i read her request very carefully..

cuz is super long....i decide to give her a chance.



原本以為他會早上來之類的! 所以我有點邊睡邊等他~

但後來迷濛中起來看訊息才發現! 他早上可以過來~但下午有事情!

重點是! 我看到的時候要跟她約也已經太遲了! 所以我就擺爛了!

起床出門做自己的事情!   然後跟他說 我在六點前可以回家等他! 


after few talk with some info changed, i thought she will come in the morning, put down her bag and we will hang out.

but i missed some msg, so after i woke up, i go do some of my own things and come back home at 6pm.

waiting for her.

見到他的時候~他背著個大背包~大包小包的! 不知道這趟旅行出來多久~

我看到都覺得好重! 想不到她居然說還好!

基本上 招呼她進屋東西放下後~我其實就有點迫不急待地想跟他講話!

可能我覺得他長得沒很韓國人! 就覺得可以接受....(第一印象真的好重要)

(好啦! 韓國人可以努力整形把自己整漂亮~我不會批判你的)

when i saw her, she was with very heavy bag...but she said..its ok...

l wonder if she gonna carry it around? lol

after she went in the house, i cant wait have conversation with her. 

also, i dont feel she looks like korean, so...i feel, ok, i can talk to you...lol

(first impression is important!!!)

(ok, fine, do the surgery if you want, i wont juadge)




不是要一竿子打翻一船人! 我自己當然也有遇到好的!



所以也沒機會聊我想聊的! 排韓歸排韓! 我其實有超多問題想了解!

i didnt really have chance to chatting with korean like this. to know some of there culture.

is not i dont want to talk to them, but, they people i met might be a guy, or not speak english well.

so, its hard to have chance to know.



我們當天聊了很多! 有關於韓國階級迷思~韓國人民族性-以及整形等!

我告訴他! 我的這些問題都是看了網路上的文章! 新聞等來的! 

他告訴我! 其實現在韓國的年輕人~也不喜歡這樣的階級制度!  它們正試圖去改變它!


對她而言! 他高中畢業後決定到美國念書!  通常就我們所知道的~



我: 其實在國外! 大學以前念書可能是有比較輕鬆的! 但進了大學後 其實可能會蠻競爭的!

因為在一步就要進入社會了! 所以為了跳脫那個制度~反而跳進了另一個制度~不是太遲或者太累嗎?

他:當然~他沒有太早去想到這些~所以當他想到決定的時候~就是此時了! 而且他到國外念書~

他也很喜歡這樣的風氣! 因為跟韓國就不同! 也就是我們談到的~也比較沒有階級制度~大家也比較開放互相尊重!


all night we was talking about the korean level things, and ther national react and the surgery etc.

i told her all this things i ask cuz i saw the news or people s article,it will be nice to hear from the people from that country.

even just her opinion. not very correct. but at least a some info.

she told me the young ppl now dont like those level things and they are trying to change it

even not so easy, but they also dont like this kind of unreasoable thing.

for her, she decide to study in US because she dont like the system in korea.

for what we knew, if the korean ppl who can study in other country, normally they should be rich.

i didnt ask her. but she did told me her familly wasnt that rich.but she still ddecide to do this.

she feel really nice for all the different culture and she learn more from it. 

and ppl are respect each other, no such level things like in korea.



對我接觸他的感覺! 也覺得他跟韓國人給我的感覺不同!  你要問我對韓國人的感覺看法?

 我個人就是覺得他們都比較粗魯(請不要解釋為大氣~那不同) 但也很合群! 團結性強!

但因為粗魯這部分! 不只是粗魯! 剛好我遇到的都很不尊重人! 加上社會新聞等因素! 


maybe her peronality is like that, or maybe after study in US changed her view.

she ask when i say i dont like korean, why and how?

i dont know,i just feel they are rude, and the ppl i met ight not so respect and thoughful. 

with news..they korean cheating in the game..etc..


他很感謝我誠實地告訴他我不喜歡韓國人! 但聽了我的解釋等也覺得很抱歉! 

我說! 這其實是個人行為! 你不需要覺得愧疚! 就像也不是每個台灣人都素行良好!

也不是每個人都覺得我的言行是可以接受的! 但這也包含了個人感官問題!


只能說! 我願意試著相信別人! 視情況給它們機會! 希望我能慢慢地改變我的想法! 

這當然不是一朝一夕就可以的! 畢竟我也不是一開始就討厭韓國! 我一開始也超愛追韓劇的!!!

是後來出國後! 自己遇到的人感受跟一些新聞報導相加導致的!

she told me is nice to hear from my real thought, and feel sorry about it.

i told her that i knew is not all of them, but just myself cant really accept.

but i do try to be more open, thats the reason why i accept her request.


接待他是還蠻愉快的一個經驗! 聊了很多~對於一個小女生~在外生活!



**照片就沒有了! 因為當天晚上她想出去拍夜景! 可是我想睡覺~


他回來時我早就睡下了! 留了訊息跟他說離開時叫我起床!

為了拍照也為了鎖門。所以 照片 就是一臉剛睡醒! 哈哈哈哈







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