到愛爾蘭後~有個周末~我去了wicklow national park~

會去的原因~是因為剛好 Peter 是住在 glendalough~


i went to wicklow NP because i found Peter~

he live in glendalough, and from his place walk to NP is about 40mins i think!




於是我在dart 跟他見面~然後一起做dart回bray~然後他再從bray開車載我回去~




peter 煮了"愛爾蘭"料理給我吃~ 我一直待到禮拜一早上~跟他一起回都柏林~

而這兩天我就一直在爬山~然後Peter 問我知不知道PS I LOVE U 的場景~


我就覺得~啊就一座橋啊~還蠻想親眼看看他夏天的樣子! 呵呵

peter 還蠻有趣的~他問了我一些中文~他問我說~他的名字翻譯成中文會是什麻~


他說~什麻~他比較想當彼得 可能~哈哈哈哈

peter brough me to NP for visit while i stay with him in that two days,

peter work in dublin, so he will drive to bray and took the dart from bray to dublin~

so i met him at friday night then i can join him from bray back home, he dont have to come out to pick me up again~

thsi is my first time on dart, he told me, in the day time or summer time, i can have pretty view from dublin to bray~

(i prove it myself cuz i work around ther after)

peter cooked for me, the irish food...i mean by irish people. so.. lol

it is taste anyway!  and he ask me if i want to visit the bridage?

i ask what's about? cuz i didnt do any "homework",

he told me is the sence from movie, PS I LOVE U~

i mean, sure i want to visit it, cuz that movie, i do love ireland for a while!! lol

so he brough me there and show me around. but, really shame it's winter, not much to see~

he is funny, we talk a lot~he also ask me, how to translate his name to chinese, 

i told him, is "peter impossible"~~~lol

he said, oh no, he want to be "peter possible" ~~~so funny and really nice to stay with him~










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